

下面概述了制定提案的各个阶段, 有关资金信息的资源, 以及其他可供授予作者使用的工具.  Also check out tips and best practices for ensuring a competitive proposals. 本指南中的下划线术语超链接到包含更详细信息的页面.


  • 彻底的研究: Understand the funder’s guideline, priorities, and requirements. Tailor your proposal to align with their specific 目标.
  • 清晰和简洁写作清晰简洁. 尽可能避免行话和技术语言. 清晰地解释复杂的想法.
  • 强有力的理由为你的项目提供一个令人信服的理由. Explain the problem you’re addressing and why it matters. 用数据和证据来支持你的观点.
  • 现实的目标设定可实现的目标. Unrealistic expectations can harm your proposal’s credibility.
  • 吸引读者使你的提案引人入胜. Use visuals, stories, and testimonials where applicable to illustrate your point.
  • 校对和编辑消除语法错误和矛盾. A polished proposal demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail.
  • 按照指令:严格遵守资助者的指导方针. 包括所有必需的文件和信息.

的 central dogma of grantsmanship is that a good proposal begins with a 好主意. 同时, the axiom that “the best writing can’t turn a bad idea into a good grant proposal, but bad writing can turn a 好主意 into an unfunded proposal,也适用于.

在提案中,一个好的想法加上清晰的说明性写作并不能保证获得资金, but it certainly greatly enhances the prospects you will be successful.

奖助金写作技巧的来源,以及撰写提案的其他协助都是现成的. 考虑参加拨款写作研讨会, or a course on technical writing to brush up your skills, 如果有必要的话. 的 办公室 赞助项目和研究 organizes such efforts, or can facilitate your placement in a program offered by another institution. It can also provide you with advice on writing for specific funding agencies.

Developing a 好主意 is a somewhat different challenge. 的 lack of one is the primary reason applications are rejected. 那么,一个人如何形成一个引人注目的、新颖的想法呢? 虽然没有成功的公式, 迭代过程可以帮助组织, 艰巨的挑战, 变成可管理的任务:

  • 第一个是 确定一个你想要解决的具体问题. This is usually nested in a more general area of interest you have, and forms a step along a continuum of investigative activity you wish to pursue. 第二项任务是对你感兴趣的领域进行全面的文献综述. 审查应该提供关于您想要调查的问题的已知和未知的见解. 显然,你想要确定知识差距,以及你必须填补它的想法. 在进行的过程中, working ideas you had about your intended project will almost certainly change, 在某些情况下, 被丢弃. 最终, 你的想法之间的游戏, 对该领域的当前和过去的了解应该会为你提供前进所需的联系. 如果没有, 你需要继续这个过程, or strongly consider abandoning the line of inquiry for a different one.
  • After you develop a working idea for your project, its 可行性 需要确定. 在某种程度上,这需要对你执行项目的能力进行严格的评估. 例如, 你知道几点了吗, 专业知识, and resources at your disposable to pursue the work which it will require? 例如,如果它需要量化或语言技能,你能接受挑战吗? 你还必须知道竞争是什么样的. Is it possible that recent work in the field parallels yours, 这样当你的项目完成的时候, 它将成为昨天的新闻? Finally, you must ascertain whether the idea has funding potential. 一些想法, 调查费用最低, 但对其他人来说, 前进的可行性在很大程度上取决于吸引赞助商支持的能力. OSPR is an excellent source of counseling on funding needs.
  • 同事的建议 is another component in the process of developing a 好主意. 的 formative process of concertizing a 好主意 can be isolating. 因此, 向别人寻求建设性的批评是必要的,这可以检验你的想法是否经得起一天的冷光. 的同事们, who work in the same field in which your idea is rooted, 是否最有能力提出合理的批评. 当然,至少应该有一个人与你的专业领域非常接近. 除了亲密的专业同事, 你也可以听取那些对你的领域有更“通才”理解的人的意见. 一旦你从同事那里得到反馈, it is time for you to determine whether to refine the idea, 站起来快, 或者丢弃它. 如果你决定继续前进, you must have total confidence in what you will propose to sponsors, that it meets the very highest standards of scholarship, 值得资助.

不管赞助商是谁, 提案往往由几个部分组成,它们应该形成一个无缝的整体,为项目融资提供一个令人信服的理由.

一些资助者,如NIH,寻求需要详尽信息的提案. 其他人,特别是私人赞助者,可能需要非常简短的提案,只有几页. 不过, 大多数资助者, 以这样或那样的形式, 要求申请人提供摘要陈述, 功能部分, 问题陈述, 目标说明, 对方法的描述, 或要进行的活动, 还有预算. 的se elements may be compressed into fewer (or more) sections, 有不同的头衔, 或者以不同的顺序被要求. However, they represent the generic components of a proposal.

summary 声明, 或者执行摘要, 或抽象, 或者项目总结为审稿人提供了他们对你的建议的第一印象. 太频繁, 这是事后才写的, rather than crafted to elicit the best possible reaction from the reviewer. 一个构思拙劣的总结陈述可能会使读者对你的提案的其余部分产生偏见. In some cases, it may be the first, and last section of the proposal that is read. 这个部分最好被理解为你第一次接触审稿人的欢迎垫.

提案的另一个要素是介绍,申请人可以在其中奠定基础,说明为什么个人, 或团队, 谁最适合承担这项工作. Sometimes this information is placed in a section called the bio-sketch. 不管, 这部分叙述的目的是让评论者了解你是谁, and to establish your credibility to carry out the work.

需求,或 问题陈述, 提案的中心假设成分传达了要解决的问题的重要性. This is the part which provides a focus to your proposal. 的 importance of the project must not be regarded as self-evident. 叙述应该清楚地定义问题是什么,以及为什么值得解决. 过于宽泛的问题陈述会让调查人员看起来好像是在要求该机构支持一次钓鱼调查. 过于狭隘的问题会引发这样一个问题:为什么要把资金分配给一项微不足道的追求.

目标 section details what the investigator expects to accomplish, 这就是结果, 产品, 或服务, 提供需求说明, 或者中心假设. 在制定目标时,一个基本原则是,目标越具体越好. Whenever possible, provide a metric that allows project results to be measured.

A 方法, 或者活动单元为审阅者提供了一个关于如何完成项目的具体视图. It should flow from the 目标 声明 you provided. 的 basic requirements of this section are clarity and justification. 你需要提供一个基本原理, 例如, as to why you have chosen qualitative methods for your inquiry, or why a particular statistical test has been selected.

最后,必须包含 预算,通常是a 叙事预算论证. 预算是工作计划的数字表达,而不是凭空捏造的数字.  太经常了, 预算是要完成的提案的倒数第二部分(在项目总结之后). 在最后一刻仓促准备求婚, 预算是用与项目叙述中列举的任务几乎没有关系的数字拼凑起来的. 评论家, 然而, 是否经常意识到成本, 他们自己就是调查者, 知道一个合适的预算应该是什么样的. 编制不佳的预算和关于目标或方法的构思不佳的部分一样,都可能对整个提交的报告造成不良影响. 合理预算的关键是不要吝啬, so not jeopardize the viability of completing the project, 也不要贪婪地用多余的东西填充它. 问清楚你需要什么.


目标是找到一群兴趣与您希望做的工作密切匹配的赞助者. Resist the temptation to tailor your interests to the availability of funds. 最后, 你对一个项目的热情, 你已经定义了, will be far more sustaining than one developed out of sense of expediency.

在寻找合适的赞助者时,你需要仔细审查资助环境. Is the sponsor really interested in your area of interest? An agency program announcement may nominally appear to be a good fit, 但仔细调查后, is understood to focus on a limited number of priorities areas, 你的研究并不适合这种情况. 的 range of funding available is another consideration. You need to ascertain the costs of completing your work. 如果资助范围过低, you may be unable to undertake the project you propose, 必须缩小工作范围, 或者从其他来源寻求额外的支持. 如果资助范围超出了你的需求,说明赞助商正在寻找比你提议的项目更有野心的项目. You also want to determine the ratio of applications to awards. 成功率是个位数, 在给定的程序中, 表示获得奖励的机会很小, and the work involved in making an application may not be worth the time and effort. 然而,成功率不应该是决定是否申请的唯一标准. 你的想法的质量, 你的写作, and the fit with agency guidelines may prove irresistible to the sponsor.

寻找潜在的赞助商是多方面的 . A good starting point is to utilize both proprietary, such as Pivot-RP非专有 授权信息数据库,允许您运行资金搜索基于一些领域,可以量身定制的特定需求. 与同事建立联系, scrutinizing professional publications and websites in your field, 参加机构官员经常出席的专业会议是确定你可能申请的合适资助机构范围的另一种有价值的方式. 和OSPR一起工作 企业及基金会关系 staff should also be an important part of your overall funding strategy. OSPR can assist you in setting up funding alerts to receive targeted, e-mail notices of funding opportunities as soon as they are announced, furnish other funding information germane to your interests, 并在与资助机构内的项目官员合作方面提供战略援助. 公司和基金会关系可以向您介绍私人资金的信息来源,包括 基金会中心.

一旦你确定了一批资助机构, 并获得了所有必要的指导方针, 项目公告, 和信息, 仔细阅读材料,确定哪些人最有可能接受你的资助想法. 与专业和行政同事合作,帮助你完善选择. 还记得, 最常, you will want to apply to more than one funding source, simply because the probabilities of success at any one sponsor are not favorable. 很可能, 这将需要略有不同的建议, 使用小说, 你提出了令人信服的想法, to accord with the funding guidelines for individual sponsors.



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